Events News

Yoga, Meditation, Cacao Ceremony & Gong Bath

2024 – Winter Gathering Return to the Centre

Eel Pie Island, Thames at Twickenham

Hosted by Nadia Raafat with Candice Joyce

#yogadayretreat #eelpieisland #urbanretreat #gongbath #returntocentre #yogaeelpie #yogatwickenham #yogarichmond #yogakingston

Saturday 13th January 2pm -6pm

Eel Pie Island

Start the New Year with gong facilitator and yogini Candice Joyce and myself, Nadia Raafat on beautiful Eel Pie Island for yoga and meditation, a cacao ceremony and a heavenly gong bath experience to close.

In these uncertain easily distracted times, it becomes more important than ever to have a centre to return to within ourselves’ to remember who we are and what we are here to do.

In this workshop, Nadia and Candice will take you on a journey through the body, exploring structural centres, and experiencing layers of centre carried by the breath, and visualisation to that place within ourselves we experience as home.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to come together with old friends, make new ones, connect with ourselves and each other and remember our unity and community at the start of the new year.
